Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thank You Suncrest!

Children's Activity in Higuey

Breanna sharing the story of Joseph

Dominican and Suncrest youth with a group of children in Punta Cana

New friends working together in Punta Cana
Thank you Suncrest for your time of service here in the Dominican Republic. You all are a great group. You guys stepped out of your comfort zones to serve the Dominicans.  First at a VBS with over 100 kids in Higuey and then at camp with the La Romana youth.  You fought through language and cultural barriers and made new friends.  Suncrest youth and La Romana worked together beautifully to offer an activity to large group of children in Punta Cana.  I hope that you will continue your attitude of service now you are back in the USA.  I pray that you will each be bold in your faith as you face your own challenges at home.  I am proud of what you accomplished here and I know that God will continue to work in you as you become the men and women God created you to be.   

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thank You Central Church of Christ!

Painting in Villa Hermosa
We kicked off our summer of work teams with a team from Central Church of Christ in Streator, IL.  They arrived the week we acquired a new site for the church in Villa Hermosa.  God's timing was perfect.   The team spent their first two days painting and hosted a children's activity the second afternoon.  It was a packed house and a great way to introduce the church to the community.

Full house in the new building in Villa Hermosa

The team also carried out children's activities at the churches in La Romana and Punta Cana.  Their time flew by and we are thankful for their time here.  We look forward for a continued partnership in the future.

Showing off their craft in La Romana
Coloring pages in La Romana

For more pictures go to Eastern Dominican Christian Mission on facebook or follow this link Central Church of Christ, Streator, IL

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cristo Urbano in the east

Cristo Urbano is a collaboration of Christian rap and hip hop artists that desire to bring glory to God by sharing their talents.  The group traveled from their home base in Santiago to share with us in the east.  Friday night they arrived in Higuey to offer a free concert at the new church plant there.  Unfortunately after a few hours of waiting at the new church site in the rain, they had to cancel due to not having power.  It was a disappointment for the few that had braved the storm.  However, the following night Cristo Urbano was able to perform at the church in La Romana.  It was an event that helped bring together young Christians from various denominations in La Romana to worship God while having fun.  We look forward to uniting together more with our brothers and sisters from the western part of the country to work together in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and encouraging those that already know Jesus.        

Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I know what you are thinking! Behind again! Mother's Day was a month ago.  But here in the Dominican Republic we celebrate Mother's Day on the last Sunday in May, so it was just last week.  And here it is a BIG deal! For some mothers, Mother's Day is a bigger deal than Christmas.  The stores are filled with special offers on everything from ovens to jewelery.  And the gift is a big part of how Dominicans celebrate Mother's Day.  A friend of mine received a new flatscreen television and numerous new cooking crocs for the kitchen.  I was given three beautiful house plants.

Micah's class presenting the solar system
Micah's school has a special Mother's Day program on the Friday before the holiday.  Songs about how mothers are pretty and loved made each mother beam.  Cake and snacks of empanadas, pimento cheese sandwiches and fried yucca were service after the show and each mother received a card made by their child.  
Me and Micah with my Mother's Day Card
Each of the churches that are a part of Eastern Dominican Christian Mission celebrated with the women of the churches as well.  In La Romana invited the church of Pica Piedras/Villa Hermosa to join together for the morning service.  Gifts were made by the children during Sunday school and additional gifts of baskets of sweets were given out to all mothers during the church service.  In Punta Cana, they celebrated the Saturday before with a special program.  In addition all mothers were photographed with their children and they will receive the pictures this Sunday at the church service.  In Higuey the children made a gift for their mothers and they has a special lunch for the mothers after the morning service.  
Special poem for mothers

Feliz dia de la madre!

Special music by RL and Marlene (see the gifts)

(And just so you know, we celebrate Father's Day the last Sunday in July.  So you won't be reading about Father's Day for a little while.  And sorry dads, it just isn't a very big deal here.  ;) )