Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Costa Rica- My Home"

Recently we checked out a children's book from the library about Costa Rica to help facilitate our family discussion about our move. The book is called, "Costa Rica- My Home". Well, Micah immediately was drawn to the little girl in the book. In the story, the little girl lived outside of the city and helped her parents manage a small farm and family business. As I read the book to Micah, I explained to him that after Christmas we too would be living in Costa Rica. I told him about his new house, new school, new teachers, new church and new friends. After a few minutes I noticed Micah's attention span was fading fast, so I decided to quiz him. "So where are we moving after Christmas?" I asked. "Osta Ica, my home," Micah replied mimicking the title of the book. "That's right. And when we move there, there will be lots of new things, like. . . ?" "Animals," he answered. "Animals? Well there may be some animals there but what other new things will be there?" "New cows. . . ummm. . . new pigs. . . ummm. . . new horse. . . new animals. . . ummm. . . . . ummm. . . . . Mommy and Daddy," he stated proudly. Then I realized that Micah was reporting back the things he had read about in the story plus Mommy and Daddy. That's all he knew of Costa Rica yet he still was genuinely excited to go there. All he had to go on was the security of his mom and dad and a little bit more information and he was ready to go. Micah reminds me of how we should be as we prepare to leave for Costa Rica. We have the security of our Father and a little bit of information about what he has planned for us. Instead of worrying about the details of our house and what we should pack, we should be excited to know that God has lots of things planned for us as we follow His will. Please pray for our family as we prepare to move. Ask God to remind us that regardless of all the new things that may be in store for us and all the details that remain unknown, God will be with us in Costa Rica- My Home.

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