Saturday, July 9, 2011

Ryan Hospitalized

I can start out by saying that we can praise God that Ryan is back at home and taking it easy.  But the poor guy has had a rough few weeks.  It all started three weeks ago when after returning from Punta Cana he spiked a fever.  Through the next few days his fever came and went and he developed a hacking cough.  After weeks of misery, he finally gave in and went to the doctor.  The doctor ran a few tests and determined that he had bronchitis, a urinary tract and kidney infection.  Further tests ruled out malaria.  (Praise God!) He was admitted to the hospital on Thursday morning and was released this afternoon.  We praise God for a good doctor, Dr. Chalas and the staff at The Good Samaritan Hospital for caring for Ryan.  But we also are thankful that he is well enough to be back home.  Please pray for Ryan's continued improvement as he still is recovering.     


Charles Cline said...

Hey Ryan...we're praying for you. Death Ball finally got to you! :) Take it easy. You probably just need to get to the beach more often!

Joni said...

Thinking of you. Not really liking it that you are sick :(
Hope by now you are on the mend!! Sorry I'm not there to do some Respiratory Therapy for your bronchitis!! Will keep praying for your recovery!!