Thursday, April 29, 2010

Vision Clinic

On March 20, a vision clinic was held at the Centro Mutualista where the La Romana church meets. In previous days, tickets were passed out to church members and member of the community that were interested in having their vision checked and/or in need of eye glasses. Minister's wife, Yudermy (pictured above in brown shirt)played a large role in organizing the event. A local eye doctor volunteered her services for eye exams while numerous church members helped organize and distribute the eye glasses that had been donated from the US. People got to try out their new glasses by reading scripture and information about church ministries was also passed out. Almost 100 people were seen just that morning!It was a great opportunity for the local church in La Romana to cooperate with community center in which they meet. It was also a wonderful way for the community to be blessed by those in the church willing to volunteer their time and help others.

Youth Fundraiser for Camp- A Concert

The youth at the church in La Romana attend camp each year during there Easter Break. This year the cost per person was about $55 and each person is responsible for paying his own part. For many of the youth that is an expense they cannot afford. So the youth came up with a number of ideas help defer the cost of camp. Two sisters baked cookies and sold them to the students at their school. A couple young men worked with an American work team that helped finance their trip. Others worked in peoples homes, cooking, cleaning and babysitting. The youth had a night at church when you could pay to make someone preform or you could pay to keep yourself from having to. (Ryan and Micah were paid to sing and sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame") Over the months, the youth chipped away at the cost for camp. Then on March 19 they had "La Reunion", a concert. The youth themselves organized, planned and sold tickets for the concert. Ryan and I were concerned when we arrived at the church at 7:00, the time scheduled for the concert to begin, and no one was there. But an hour later the musicians began to arrive and by 8:30 or 9:00 there was music. Two youth were part of the talent line-up that included other Christian artists from the eastern part of the country. The style of music was rap and hip-hop. The church was packed with young people from all over. During the concert there was a snack stand that sold food and drinks also to raise money. It was a great success and the youth also had a great time. First picture is of youth sponsor and elder Wandy with youth performer, Marlen before the concert. The second picture is of youth,Ricardo Luis, performing at the concert.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bad Blogger!

I apologize that I have been a bad blogger. I guess it is a good sign that we have been busy. Keep posted, I will try to update you all this week and next.