Sunday, January 17, 2010

Please pray!

Haiti: Please pray for the people of Haiti. My heart goes out to the people. However compassion does not help, only action. Please ask God to help us know what we can do to serve the people of Haiti, our new neighbors on the island of Hispanola. Also pray that God will lead you in helping you know what you can do to help. Our home: Please pray that God will bless our new home here in the DR. Pray that we are able to make an impact for Him in our new neighborhood, Buena Vista, our new city, La Romana, and our new country, the Dominican Republic. Our physical needs: Please pray that God will continue to bless us financially. We received a lot of financial support while we were in the United States from friends, family and churches. However, we still need to raise more support so that we will be able to buy a car and furnish our home.

What a week!

This past week began in the United States. Looking back, it is crazy that so much happened in one week! Sunday morning we were blessed to be in McCoy, Virginia where we had the opportunity to share with Community Christian Church what God is doin in the DR. By that afternoon we were back in Roanoke packing up to get ready to leave for the DR. Monday afternoon, my mom and stepdad arrived in Roanoke, not just to visit, but because they are actually moving to Roanoke! After pedicures with my mom, we met up for dinner with my brother and sister and her family. Then back to the house for last minute packing. Tuesday we packed up and just before we headed out to the airport in Greensborough, we heard the awful news of the earthquake in Haiti. For those that may not know, my family established an orphanage in Haiti. Unable to contact anyone we knew in Haiti, we prayed that the children and staff were safe. (We later heard that they were all okay. Wednesday morning we got up before the sun and ushered our 9 suitcases to the airport. We were blessed by the woman at the counter who did not charge us for overweight bags or our three extra bags. A savings of $400! She asked us to help someone in need in return. By that afternoon, we arrived in the DR. With all our luggage and without any problems. Wednesday night Ryan headed over to the church where they had a prayer meeting for the people of Haiti and Micah and I crashed at Rick and Suzanne's (our mssionary teammates)too tired to go out again. Thursday, we found an apartment, got health insurance and started to price our household furnishings. The apartment is in a great area with large homes and spacious yards. Our apartment is a duplex that shares a lot with another duplex. It has a large living area and a big back yard that we share with our neighbors. It is a great place for our family and we look forward to being able to move in. Right now we are staying with Rick and Suzanne until we are able to get it ready and buy the necessary furnishings. Friday, we signed the renters contract and received the keys. Saturday, we spent the day cleaning the apartment, and I spent the afternoon with some of the women of the church while Ryan cleaned some more. Ryan spent the evening at a men's Bible study. Today, we spent the morning worshipping with the Body of Christ here in La Romana and tonight we will prepare for the work team that will arrive tomorrow. Wow! What a week! I will keep you all posted as we get settled in and I hope to have some pictures of the house once we get settled.