Thursday, December 9, 2010
Josiah's arrival
On September 23, we welcomed Josiah into this world. His arrival started in normal way. Around lunch time I went into labor, things progressed normally through the afternoon and evening and around 9:30pm we headed to the hospital. While I was pushing, I was experiencing a lot of pain even though I had an epidural. (Yes, we have epidurals here.) And then Josiah's heart rate dropped. I was rushed into surgery for an emergency c-section. Once in surgery the doctor discovered a tear in my uterus originating from my previous c-section scar. Then when removing the baby my uterus ruptured, a rare but potential life threatening complication when attempting a vaginal birth after a cesarean delivery. Josiah emerged a bit sluggish but after 30 minutes or so of oxygen, he was fine. My doctor, and also great surgeon, was able to repair the ruptured uterus after a couple hours of surgery. I lost a lot of blood during the surgery and so the following morning I received two pints of blood (one pint from my loving husband). After four days in the hospital, I returned home with my new baby boy. A couple days after that I returned to the hospital for a outpatient procedure to treat the spinal headache I had been having. In the following days, I began to feel sick and called my doctor and let her know I thought I had a bladder infection. After a few days of antibiotics, I felt worse and returned to the hospital. I was diagnosed with a bladder infection, as well as an infection of the endometrium and anemia. I was admitted to the hospital for a few days during which time my mother-in-law returned to the US leaving Ryan alone with the two boys. I was anxious to get better to return home to my family but once I was home, I still was not well. At the time I did not know that I had an abscess growing inside of me. After about a week more, the abscess ruptured causing my c-section scar to open. So once again I returned to the hospital. Upon admission, I was diagnosed with severe anemia as well as the ruptured abscess. Due to the anemia I received two more pints of blood (one pint from Victor Jimenez, the pastor at La Romana). During my hospital stay my mother arrived from the US. After a few days, I returned home again. After all the complications, I am enjoying being at home enjoying my family. Josiah is a precious baby and I am thankful for his health and good temperment. In general, Micah has done very well adjusting to a new brother during all this other craziness. And Ryan and I have been blessed by seeing God's love for us through the body of Christ here in the DR and those in the US that have lifted us up in prayer. It has been a long, difficult couple months. But I have been encouraged to see God's faithfulness in action and in a personal way.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Great Summer of Teams
Alisa from Central Christian Church with some children from Punta Cana |
Colonial Heights work team in front of the clinic in La Romana |
Youth from La Romana and Plum Creek leading games at Punta Cana |
Jessica from River Valley providing dental care in La Romana |
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Father's Day
Father's Day is celebrated the last Sunday in July here in the Dominican Republic. The Saturday evening before Father's Day, the ladies group of the La Romana church had a special dinner for fathers at the York's home. Then the youth of the La Romana church planned and carried out the Sunday morning service. Here are a few pictures from the morning service.
Link to Father's Day photos on Eastern Dominican Christian Mission on Facebook
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Ricardo Luis shared a touching message about God's greatness as our heavenly father as well as a few musical specials. |
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Many dance and musical specials were shared in honor of our earthly fathers, glorifying our heavenly father. |
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Mother's Day
RL and Sharina singing a special about mothers |
Some of the girls recited a poem |
A panel of mothers entertained questions from Victor and Ric as well as the church members |
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Mother's Day Beauty Salon
To celebrate Mother's Day, the Ladies' Group at the La Romana Church offered a free beauty salon to the women of the church and nearby community. The ladies offered pedicures, hair color and cuts and of course new styles. A few professionals helped but most services were offered by the women of the church. It was a great way to make moms feel special for their special day and reach out to the community.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Before we left the US I probably could have counted on one hand the number of times I had eaten a mango. While in language school in Costa Rica, we bought mangoes at the local market. I would make a mango salsa that was a variation of a recipe from my dad. When we moved to the Dominican Republic in January, someone pointed out to us the mango trees in our yard. Since we share a yard with two other families, I had hoped that there would be enough mangoes for us to have a few when the season came. Well, the season is here and we are up to our eyeballs in mangoes! I had no clue how many mangoes a tree could produce! So we have enjoyed mangoes in many shapes and sorts over the past week. Our 3 year old son enjoys eating them chilled and then peeled. He usually takes his shirt off first as the juice runs all over his hands and down his face and neck. I have made mango juice, mango salsa, mango cobbler and a mango oatmeal breakfast drink (my least favorite recipe). I suppose I'll keep trying new recipes as the mangoes keep coming. The tree is still full of mangoes that aren't ripe yet, so I think we might have a few more weeks of mango madness.
This is progress
This large dirty, rocky area once was a pool. If you have even been to the community center where the church in La Romana meets, you've seen this HUGE pool. The shallow end was over six feet deep and I have no clue how deep the deepest end was. It was deep enough that a tree had gown in it. The pool was closed after the first season in use due to numerous deaths. So the empty pool has sat behind the center for decades now, still a major hazard. A few previous attempts have been made to fill the pool but because it was SO deep a concerted effort was needed to get the job done. After 25 truck loads of dirt, the pool was finally filled! We now can make plans to use the area behind the center to serve those using the clinic and the community around it.
We celebrate new believers! May 2, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
For more camp pictures, check out our album on facebook.
Leadership Graduation
Check out more pictures from graduation on facebook by clicking on this link
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Vision Clinic
Youth Fundraiser for Camp- A Concert
The youth at the church in La Romana attend camp each year during there Easter Break. This year the cost per person was about $55 and each person is responsible for paying his own part. For many of the youth that is an expense they cannot afford. So the youth came up with a number of ideas help defer the cost of camp.
Two sisters baked cookies and sold them to the students at their school.
A couple young men worked with an American work team that helped finance their trip.
Others worked in peoples homes, cooking, cleaning and babysitting.
The youth had a night at church when you could pay to make someone preform or you could pay to keep yourself from having to. (Ryan and Micah were paid to sing and sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame") Over the months, the youth chipped away at the cost for camp.
Then on March 19 they had "La Reunion", a concert. The youth themselves organized, planned and sold tickets for the concert. Ryan and I were concerned when we arrived at the church at 7:00, the time scheduled for the concert to begin, and no one was there. But an hour later the musicians began to arrive and by 8:30 or 9:00 there was music. Two youth were part of the talent line-up that included other Christian artists from the eastern part of the country. The style of music was rap and hip-hop. The church was packed with young people from all over. During the concert there was a snack stand that sold food and drinks also to raise money. It was a great success and the youth also had a great time.
First picture is of youth sponsor and elder Wandy with youth performer, Marlen before the concert. The second picture is of youth,Ricardo Luis, performing at the concert.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Bad Blogger!
I apologize that I have been a bad blogger. I guess it is a good sign that we have been busy. Keep posted, I will try to update you all this week and next.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Thank you, teams!
This morning we said good bye to another work team from the United States. Though they probably have made it to Punta Cana by now, they will work there until Saturday before they head back to Erie,IL. They were a small team of just 6, but with a lot of great skills that were put to use in the medical clinic at the center where the La Romana church meets. In previous months since we arrived, other work teams have also volunteered their time and skills to serve the people of the Dominican Republic through Eastern Dominican Christian Mission. The mission has hosted, farmers, a doctor, nurses, salesmen, ministers, concrete layers, a horse trainer and students, to name just a few. And each person has offered something special that has touched the ministry here in a unique way. So thank you CCU, Cogan Station, Pomona and Erie. We thank you for your work here. We pray that you will continue to share in our ministry here in the Dominican Republic and that your lives have been touched as you have touched ours.
If you have plans to be a part of the one of the work teams coming this year, we look forward to seeing how God will use your own talents and gifts to serve God here in the Dominican Republic.
If you are interested in being a part of a team, contact Ryan at to discuss how your small group can serve.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
We are connected!
Finally after much ado. . . we have internet in our new home in La Romana, Dominican Republic. We hope to keep you better updated as we begin our new ministry with Eastern Dominican Christian Mission.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Please pray!
Haiti: Please pray for the people of Haiti. My heart goes out to the people. However compassion does not help, only action. Please ask God to help us know what we can do to serve the people of Haiti, our new neighbors on the island of Hispanola. Also pray that God will lead you in helping you know what you can do to help.
Our home: Please pray that God will bless our new home here in the DR. Pray that we are able to make an impact for Him in our new neighborhood, Buena Vista, our new city, La Romana, and our new country, the Dominican Republic.
Our physical needs: Please pray that God will continue to bless us financially. We received a lot of financial support while we were in the United States from friends, family and churches. However, we still need to raise more support so that we will be able to buy a car and furnish our home.
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission,
What a week!
This past week began in the United States. Looking back, it is crazy that so much happened in one week!
Sunday morning we were blessed to be in McCoy, Virginia where we had the opportunity to share with Community Christian Church what God is doin in the DR. By that afternoon we were back in Roanoke packing up to get ready to leave for the DR.
Monday afternoon, my mom and stepdad arrived in Roanoke, not just to visit, but because they are actually moving to Roanoke! After pedicures with my mom, we met up for dinner with my brother and sister and her family. Then back to the house for last minute packing.
Tuesday we packed up and just before we headed out to the airport in Greensborough, we heard the awful news of the earthquake in Haiti. For those that may not know, my family established an orphanage in Haiti. Unable to contact anyone we knew in Haiti, we prayed that the children and staff were safe. (We later heard that they were all okay.
Wednesday morning we got up before the sun and ushered our 9 suitcases to the airport. We were blessed by the woman at the counter who did not charge us for overweight bags or our three extra bags. A savings of $400! She asked us to help someone in need in return. By that afternoon, we arrived in the DR. With all our luggage and without any problems. Wednesday night Ryan headed over to the church where they had a prayer meeting for the people of Haiti and Micah and I crashed at Rick and Suzanne's (our mssionary teammates)too tired to go out again.
Thursday, we found an apartment, got health insurance and started to price our household furnishings. The apartment is in a great area with large homes and spacious yards. Our apartment is a duplex that shares a lot with another duplex. It has a large living area and a big back yard that we share with our neighbors. It is a great place for our family and we look forward to being able to move in. Right now we are staying with Rick and Suzanne until we are able to get it ready and buy the necessary furnishings.
Friday, we signed the renters contract and received the keys.
Saturday, we spent the day cleaning the apartment, and I spent the afternoon with some of the women of the church while Ryan cleaned some more. Ryan spent the evening at a men's Bible study.
Today, we spent the morning worshipping with the Body of Christ here in La Romana and tonight we will prepare for the work team that will arrive tomorrow.
Wow! What a week!
I will keep you all posted as we get settled in and I hope to have some pictures of the house once we get settled.
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